Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 171

Exception No. 1: Key-locking devices that restrict access to the room from the corridor and that are operable only by staff from the corridor side shall be permitted. Such devices shall not restrict egress from the room. Exception No. 2: Door-locking arrangements shall be permitted in health care occupancies, or portions of health care occupancies, where the clinical needs of the patients require specialized security measures for their safety, provided that keys are carried by staff at all times. 3. Exit access doors from hospital and nursing home sleeping rooms, diagnostic and treatment rooms or areas such as X-ray, surgery and physical therapy, all doors between these spaces and the required exits, and all exit doors serving these spaces shall be at least one hundred twelve (112) centimeters. Doors to residential-custodial sleeping rooms and door to nursery sleeping rooms and all exit doors serving these spaces shall be at least ninety one centimeters (91 cm) wide. 4. Any door in a fire separation, horizontal exit or a smoke partition may be held open only by an electrical device which complies with Section Each of the following systems shall be so arranged as to initiate the self-closing action throughout the entire health care facility. a. The required alarm system b. The required automatic fire detection system c. An approved automatic fire suppression system, 5. Doors in stair enclosures and in walls surrounding hazardous areas shall not be equipped with hold-open devices. E. Stairs and Smokeproof Enclosures Every stair and smokeproof enclosure shall be in accordance with Section F. Horizontal Exits A horizontal exit shall be in conformance with Section as modified in this subsection. 1. At least two and eight-tenths (2.80) square meter per occupant in a hospital or nursing home or one and four-tenths (1.40) square meter per occupant in a residential-custodial care institution shall be provided on each side of the horizontal exit for the total number of 155