Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 17

IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS (IRR) OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9514 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE “FIRE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES OF 2008” Pursuant to the provision of Section 14 in relation to Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9514, entitled “AN ACT ESTABLISHING A COMPREHENSIVE FIRE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, REPEALING PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1185, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES”, the following Rules and Regulations are hereby adopted in order to carry out the provisions of this Code. RULE 1. INTERPRETATION This IRR shall be interpreted in the light of the Declaration of Policy found in Section 2 of the Code: “It is the policy of the State to ensure public safety, promote economic development through the prevention and suppression of all kinds, of destructive fires, and promote the professionalization of the fire service as a profession. Towards this end, the State shall enforce all laws, rules and regulations to ensure adherence to standard fire prevention and safety measures, and promote accountability in the fire protection and prevention service.” RULE 2. COVERAGE This IRR shall cover the following: A. All persons; B. All private or public buildings, facilities or structures and their premises erected or constructed before and after the effectivity hereof; C. Design and installation of mechanical, electronics and electrical systems relative to fire protection; D. Manufacturing, storage, handling and/or use, and transportation of explosives and/or combustible, flammable liquids and gases, toxic and other hazardous materials and operations, and their wastes; E. Fire safety planning, design, rehabilitation and demolition; construction, F. Fire protective and warning equipment or systems; repair, maintenance,