Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 162

occupancies the separation requirements of the Building Code shall be satisfied. 2. Occupant Load The occupant load for which means of egress shall be provided to any floor shall be the maximum number of persons intended to occupy that floor but not less than one person for each three and three tenths square meters (3.3 m 2 ) of net floor area used by the children. B. Exit Details 1. Number a. The storey below the floor of exit discharge may be used in buildings of fire-resistive construction, protected non-combustible construction, protected wood frame construction and protected ordinary construction, if the following conditions are met: i. For up to thirty (30) children there shall be two (2) remote exits. One exit shall discharge directly outside and the vertical travel to ground level shall not exceed two hundred forty four centimeters (244 cm). There shall be no unprotected opening into the enclosure of the second exit. ii. For over thirty (30) children a minimum of two (2) exits shall be provided directly outside with one of the two (2) exiting at ground level. 2. Access to Exits a. Travel distance between any room or intended as exit access and an exit shall not exceed thirty and a half meters (30.50 m); b. Travel distance between any point in a room and an exit shall not exceed forty five and eight-tenths meters (45.80m); c. Travel distance between any point in a sleeping room or suite shall not exceed fifteen and one fourth meters (15.25 m). d. The travel distance in (a) and (b) above may be increased by fifteen and one fourth meters (15.25 m) in building completely equipped with an approved, supervised sprinkler system. e. Travel distance shall be measured in accordance with Section of this IRR. 146