Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 148

SECTION SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR EXHIBITIONS HALLS A. No display or exhibit shall be so installed or operated as to interfere in any way with access to any required exit or with visibility of any required exit or of any required exit sign, nor shall any display block access to fire fighting equipment. B. All displays or exhibits of combustible material or construction and all booths and temporary construction in connection therewith shall be so limited in combustibility or protected as to avoid any undue hazard of fire which might endanger occupants before they have opportunity to use available exits. C. Any place of assembly used for exhibition or display purposes shall be equipped with a complete automatic fire suppression system, when the exhibition or display area exceeds one thousand three hundred ninety four square meters (1394 m 2 ). For combustible materials not on display, storage room having an enclosure with a fire resistance rating of at least two (2) hours and protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system shall be provided. SECTION EXISTING PLACES OF ASSEMBLY A. Capacity Limitations In existing places of assembly, the Chief, BFP or his duly authorized rep- resentative may permit occupancy by number of persons not to exceed that for which the existing exits are adequate provided that measures are established satisfactory to the Chief, BFP or his duly authorized repre- sentative to prevent occupancy by any greater number of persons based on the calculated occupant load of the building. B. INTERIOR FINISH Provisions of Section of this IRR shall apply in existing places of assembly where interior finish does not conform to the requirements for new assembly buildings. SECTION PROJECTION ROOMS FOR SAFETY FILM A. Every projection room shall be of permanent construction consistent with the construction requirements for the Type of building in which the projection room is located. The room shall have a floor area of not less than seven and four-tenths square meters (7.4 m 2 ) for a single machine and at least three and three-fourths square meters (3.75 m 2 ) for each additional machine. Each motion picture projector, floodlight, spotlight, or similar piece of equipment shall have a clear working space not less than two and one-fourth square meters (2.25 m 2 ). 132