Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 138
height, multiply the stair width in Table 8 by factor A, where
A = 1 + (RISER HEIGHT ā 178/125)
b. Stairs without a handrail located within a seven hundred sixty
millimeters (760 mm) horizontal distance shall be 25 percent wider
than otherwise calculated, that is, multiply by factor B = 1.25.
c. Ramps steeper than 1 in 10 slope where used in ascent shall have
their widths increased by 10 percent, that is, multiply by factor C =
B. Minimum Number of Exit
The number of exits shall be in accordance with Section para āGā
of this IRR .
C. Location of Exits
1. Main Exit
Every assembly occupancy shall be provided with a main exit. The
main exit shall be of sufficient width to accommodate one-half (1/2) of
the total occupant load, but shall be not less than the total required
width of all aisles, exit passageways and stairways leading thereto,
and shall connect to a stairway or ramp leading to a street.
2. Other Exits
Each level of an assembly occupancy shall have access to the main
exit and an addition shall be provided with exits of sufficient width to
accommodate two-thirds (2/3) of the total occupant load served by
that level. Such exits shall open directly to a street or into an exit court,
enclosed stairway, outside stairway, or exit passageway leading to a
street. Such exits shall be located as far apart and as far from the main
exits as practicable. Such exits shall be accessible from a cross aisle or
a side aisle.
D. Minimum Corridor Width
The width of any exit access corridor serving 50 or more persons shall not
be less than one hundred twelve centimeters (112 cm).
E. Travel Distance To Exits
Exits shall be so arranged that the total length of travel from any point to
reach an exit will not exceed forty six (46) meters in any place of assembly
for spaces not protected by approved, supervised sprinkler system and
sixty one (61) meters in areas so protected.