Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 136

D. The above requirements shall not apply to detached single- or two-family dwellings. SECTION ELEVATORS AND ESCALATORS A. Elevator installations shall be in accordance with the PSME Code. B. All new elevators shall conform to the firefighters’ emergency operations requirements of ASME A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, except buildings of less than 5-storeys in height. C. Elevators shall be subject to periodic inspections and tests by building management, without prejudice to the power or authority of the BFP to conduct inspections. All elevators equipped with firefighters’ emergency operation in accordance with paragraph (2) hereof shall be subject to a monthly operation with a written record of the findings made and kept by the building management. Such record shall be included in the submission of FALAR 3. SECTION INSTALLATION CLEARANCE All equipment/utilities/facilities mentioned in Section to of this IRR shall not be installed without first securing an installation clearance from the C/MFM having jurisdiction. This installation clearance shall be a pre-requisite for the issuance of permits required by law for these installations. DIVISION 8. PLACES OF ASSEMBLY SECTION OCCUPANT LOAD A. The occupant load permitted in any assembly building, structure, or portion thereof shall be determined by dividing the net floor area or space assigned to that use by the square meter per occupant as follows: 1. As assembly area of concentrated use without fixed seats such as an auditorium, place of worship, dance floor, and lodge room: sixty-five hundredths (0.65) square meter per person. 2. An assembly area of less concentrated use such as conference room, dining room, drinking establishment, exhibit room, gymnasium, or lounge: one and four-tenths (1.4) square meters per person. 3. Standing room or waiting space: twenty-eight hundredths (0.28) square meter per person. 4. The occupant load of an area having fixed seats shall be determined by the number of fixed seats installed. Required aisle space serving the fixed seats shall not be used to increase the occupant load. 120