Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 122

Standpipe Pressure at House Outlet (Kilograms per square centimeter) 11.97 12.68 14.08 15.85 17.61 19.72 Size of Orifice (millimeter) 16.7 15.9 15.1 14.3 13.5 12.7 E. Combination Standpipes 1. All combination standpipes shall comply with the requirements of this Section. Design and installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant and Hose Systems. Where a combination standpipe system is installed in accordance with section, a separate dry standpipe system need not be installed. 2. Required combination standpipes shall be maintained in accordance with this Section. 3. Location a. Combinations standpipe system shall have connections for dry standpipe located as required in para “C” above and shall have wet standpipe outlets as required in para “D” above. b. Portions of combination standpipe systems, including extensions for wet standpipe outlets, not within an enclosed stairway or smokeproof enclosure shall be protected by a degree of fire resistance equal to that required for vertical enclosures in the building in which they are located. c. In buildings where more than one combination standpipe system is provided, they shall be cross connected at the bottom. 4. Detailed Requirements a. Construction. Combination standpipe system shall be installed and tested as required for dry standpipe system in accordance with para “C” above. b. Size. Combination standpipe system shall not less than one hundred fifty millimeters (150 mm) in diameter. 106