Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 112

2. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be used only for fire protective signaling purposes. 3. A manual fire alarm box shall be provided in the natural path of escape from fire near each exit from an area and shall be readily accessible, unobstructed and at visible points. 4. Additional fire alarm boxes shall be so located that from any part of the building not more than thirty meters (30 m) horizontal distance on the same floor must be traversed in order to reach a fire alarm box. 5. For fire alarm systems using automatic fire detection or waterflow detection devices, at least one manual fire alarm box shall be provided to initiate a fire alarm signal. This manual fire alarm box shall be located where required by the city/municipal fire marshal or his duly authorized representative. 6. Where a sprinkler system provides automatic detection and alarm initiation it shall be provided with an alarm initiation device which will operate when the flow of water is equal to or greater than that from a single automatic sprinkler. 7. Where a complete smoke detection system is required by another section of this Code, automatic detection of smoke shall be provided in all occupiable areas, common areas, and work spaces in those environments suitable for proper smoke detector operation. C. Smoke Alarms Where required by Division 8 through 17 of this Chapter, single-station smoke alarms and multiple station smoke alarms shall be in accordance with NFPA 72. D. Occupant Notification 1. Occupant notification shall provide signal notification to alert occupants of fire or other emergency as required by other sections of this code. 2. A presignal system may be permitted where the initial fire alarm signal is automatically transmitted without delay either to the nearest fire station, a fire brigade or to an on-site staff person trained to respond to a fire emergency. 3. A positive alarm sequence may be permitted, provided that it is in accordance with NFPA 72. 4. Notification signals for occupants to evacuate shall be by audible and visible signals in accordance with NFPA 72, or other means of notification subject to the determination and approval of the 96