Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 110

b. Class B Interior Finish Flame Spread 26-75. Includes any material classified at more than 25 but not more than 75 on the test scale described in paragraph (4) hereof; c. Class C Interior Finis Flame Spread 76-200. Includes any material classified at more than 75 but not more than 200 on the test scale described in paragraph (4) hereof; d. Class D Interior Finish Flame Spread 201 -500. Includes any material classified at more than 200 but not more than 500 on the test scale described in paragraph (4) hereof, and e. Class E Interior Finish Flame Spread over 500. Includes any material classified at over 500 on the test scale described in paragraph (4) below. 4. Interior finish materials as specified in paragraph (3) above shall be classified in accordance with the Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, NFPA Pamphlet No. 255. B. Fire Retardant Paints 1. In existing buildings the required flame spread classification of interior surfaces may be secured by applying a proven fire retardant paints or solutions to existing interior surfaces having a higher flame spread rating than permitted. 2. Fire retardant paints or solution shall be renewed at such intervals as necessary to maintain the necessary fire retardant properties. C. Automatic Sprinklers Where approved, supervised automatic sprinklers is installed, interior finish with flame spread rating not over Class C may be used in any location where Class B is normally specified, and with rating of Class B in any location where Class A is normally specified, unless specifically prohibited in this IRR. D. Use of Interior Finishes 1. Interior finish material shall be used in accordance with requirements for individual classes of occupancy specified elsewhere in the Rule. Wherever the use of any class of interior finish is specified, the use of a 94