Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 100

b. Where ladders provide access to roofs or elevated platforms, rails shall extend not less than one hundred fourteen centimeters (114 cm) above roofline or platform floor or above coping or parapet, Extension of side rails to roof shall be carried over coping or parapet to afford hand hold. c. Ladders shall be arranged parallel to buildings or structures with travel either between ladder and buildings, in which case minimum clearance center of rungs and buildings shall be sixty eight centimeters (68 cm), or outside of ladder, in which case minimum clearance between center of rungs and buildings shall be sixteen centimeters (16 cm). d. Ladders shall be vertical or positively inclined. No negatively inclined ladders (i.e., ladder sloping out over the head of a person using it) shall be permitted. 3. Construction a. Ladders shall be constructed of iron, of steel or of other metal in design having equivalent strength and resistance to corrosion. b. Rails of iron or steel ladders shall not less than one and one-fourth centimeters (1.25 cm) by five centimeters (5 cm) in section, not less than forty centimeters (40 cm) apart. c. Rungs shall not less than twenty two millimeters (22 mm) diameter and shall be riveted or welded in position not less than twenty five centimeters (25 cm) nor more than thirty and one-half centimeters (30.5 cm) on center. d. The lowest rung of any ladder shall be not more than thirty and one half centimeters (30.5 cm) above the level of the ground or balcony floor beneath it. C. Slide Escape 1. Use and Capacity Rating a. A slide escape may be used as component in means of egress where specifically authorized by Divisions 8 through 17 of this Chapter. b. Slide escapes, where permitted as required exits, shall be rated at one exit unit per slide, with rated travel capacity of 60 persons per minute. c. Slide escapes, except as permitted for high hazard manufacturing buildings or structures, shall not constitute more than twenty five 84