FinTech Magazine - November 2022 | Page 64



With more cryptocurrencies flooding the market than ever before and broader macroeconomic challenges , how can emerging tokens stand out and succeed ?

The launch of new cryptocurrencies has created a fractious and , arguably , oversaturated marketplace for investors – more than 20,000 different tokens are currently in existence . With each new cryptocurrency , calls for the industry to face greater regulation are amplified . What ’ s more , with the global economic outlook looking bleaker by the day , how will new cryptocurrencies stand out and thrive ?

“ The market is leaning towards becoming crowded and now presents somewhat of an impossible task for investors to distinguish which cryptocurrencies are the ones to be trusted and where best to invest their money ,” says Dan Da Rosa , Co-Founder and CEO of recently released cryptocurrency token ETHAX . “ This constant overload of unregulated crypto leads to daily negative headlines about cryptocurrency scams , resulting in investors being put off from buying and selling crypto . Albeit small , this contributes towards the crypto market ' s unpredictable behaviour .
64 November 2022