Finley Structures Newsletter Finley Structures Newsletter - Issue 17 | Page 2

ABOUT US... WELCOME W e’re a family-owned company providing structural steelwork to the construction industry. Our premises are based on Aycliffe Business Park, in County Durham, providing a central location and flexibility to supply the whole of the UK. Whilst providing a wide range of structural solutions, the company specialises in the production of portals, trusses, beams and columns. We’re determined to ensure that customers’ requirements are met at all times with quality and cost being at the forefront. As a team we guarantee that delivery is timely and strive to achieve a first class reputation to be at the leading edge within the construction industry. We are continuously investing to ensure we have the latest technology and software. Finley Structures was established in 2000 by John Finley and, since then, we have grown significantly. We’ve increased our workforce and worked on high-profile projects up and down the country. We have reinforced our position as one of the market-leading steel fabricating firms in the country. Finley Structures Ltd Whinbank Way Aycliffe Business Park Newton Aycliffe Co. Durham DL5 6AY T: 01325 328120 E: [email protected] W: Newsletter produced by Mantis Media Ltd T: 01325 728024 E: [email protected] W: WELCOME TO THE 2020 FINLEY STRUCTURES COMPANY NEWSLETTER. W e entered into 2020 with an tonnes of steel for the main contractor over unprecedented volume of work the last 15 years. involving more than 8,000 tonnes You can read a special feature about our of steel for clients BAM, Bowmer & Kirkland, relationship with McAlpine on pages 4 and 5. Galliford Try, Kier, Tolent Construction and This year is also a special time for the Sir Robert McAlpine. This is very unusual company, as we go into our 20th year. The as, traditionally, we are usually only able to business was formed by my father, John forecast three-to-six months in advance – so, Finley, in 2000. Perhaps even he might it goes without saying, we were delighted with not have envisaged at the time – when he this positive start to the year. acquired our site from British Steel by a One of the chance encounter when aforementioned contracts past one day – “I’m sure we’ll pull through driving is from Kier Construction that we’d grow into the to erect 1,000 tonnes by pulling together, and company we’re so very of steel for Durham of today. come out the other side proud County Council’s new We should be headquarters on the of this stronger than ever celebrating, but we are banks of the River Wear in with yet another thanks to our hard-working faced the heart of the city. challenge and one And we can also which none of us have and dedicated staff.” announce a huge contract experienced before. from Tolent to fabricate and erect 3,200 They are calling it the invisible enemy and we tonnes of steel at Milburngate in Durham, are all fighting for our future. a project which runs from February right But I’m sure we’ll pull through by pulling through to November. together, and come out the other side of this This comes after we worked on a stronger than ever thanks to our hard-working 1,100-tonne project at the Riverwalk and dedicated staff. development for Sir Robert McAlpine in Our 20th anniversary in 2020 will certainly 2017, so we’re immensely proud to see our be remembered for more ways than one – but footprint being left on what is a generational it’s a proud milestone which we’ll celebrate in redevelopment of Durham city. style later this year. We’re also celebrating a long-lasting and We hope you enjoy our latest newsletter. positive working relationship with Sir Robert McAlpine, after having worked on no less than Julie Raistrick 20 major projects totalling more than 12,500 Managing Director WWW.FINLEYSTRUCTURES.CO.UK