Finley Structures newsletter 10 - spring 2015 | Page 5


ay if it wasn ’ t for the famous Royal Ordnance f Newton Aycliffe was created - in the 1940s .
ess Park more than 600,000 has been new 70,000 square which has stood years . to be invested in the fit ing a trampoline park , r , and the facility will biggest climbing walls at 20 metres tall , oving from the town d into the project . the 70th anniversary Finley Structures ans which will help to ar-time history . the complex ROF 59 , ance Factory 59 , and ut 20 of them , will ycliffe Angels did all
line , used to transport in railway line which was uncovered during foundation works , will be incorporated into other memorabilia features including a model spitfire and archive photographs from back in the day . Julie Finley said : “ We recognise the important historical significance of the factory and the Aycliffe Angels who used to work there , so we have deliberately retained much of the original brickwork and signage within the building . “ The plan is to create a permanent memorial , and help us to keep educating young people about this important piece of British history . “ Aycliffe Business Park probably wouldn ’ t exist today without the Royal Ordnance Factories , and we feel it ’ s important to preserve that heritage for many years to come .” Consultant Kim Fryer , of Newton Aycliffebased KF Restaurant and Hospitality , has already been appointed by Finley Structures to manage the restaurant development , and