Finished Basement - Your Basement Deserves More Great Tips On Basement Finishing | Page 5

Moisture Proofing Your Basement During Finishing is Vital  Waterproof Floors  It’s always a good idea to apply a concrete sealer to the concrete floors throughout your basement, but often that alone isn’t enough to keep your space moisture free. It’s important to have a moisture-resistant flooring solution put into your basement as well. Something like glue-down vinyl works really well in a basement. Also ceramic tiles do pretty well in a basement environment. It’s important that the solution you have added is designed to stand up to moisture over time. You should also have a vapour barrier installed under your floors such as plastic sheeting. This helps prevent any seepage from the concrete from reaching your flooring and causing problems with it over time. It’s vital that you take the time to properly seal up your floors and make sure they are protected from moisture over time in your basement.  Waterproof Walls  The walls of your basement also need to be able to stand up to moisture, at least the exterior ones.