Fine Dining Indian Food Magazine April Issue 2 | Page 26

#FINEDININGINDIAN FOCUS PAGE 26  Both are correct. The idea is just to keep going. You  So, my friends. While working hard, keep going must say yes to the opportunities coming your way. You through your journey. Keep enjoying it as well - are opening doors in life. The key is in your hands. Start that’s equally important. Keep appreciating every appreciating what you do and keep working towards what bit of it. 80% of daily routine is our work. So, it has you wish to do. And stick to the journey. Be in the journey. be something that you love. I am not saying quit We end up learning more during the journey that we hate your jobs and be jobless. Appreciate what you are so much because we focus on the goal too much. You will doing right now as that will surely teach you fail many many many times. something that will come in handy in the future . And keep aiming to look for more that will bring Criticism is part of it. But, dress up and show up and start. your next goal. Keep connecting the dots. For me As long as I keep moving things keep happening. This is there is only one distraction when I am not happy the first article I have ever written, and I have always doing something. That’s when I know it's time to wanted to write. I was asked if I would like to write. look for something more exciting. So far, I am doing Without any fear of being judged or fear of failure, I am great. But, I know I am not there yet. I still have writing this.  more coming my way. Focus on now and aim for new stuff. And keep moving on your career path you are on. … Surely you will be successful… Successful in completing the journey..   “Focus on your goals, not your fear. Focus like a laser beam on your goals.”  Roy.T.Bennet 25