Finding the best Lasik Eye Surgeon July, 2014 | Page 5
This process is followed by the measurement of the patient’s eyes by a
competent and qualified Optometrist. The patients are encouraged to ask
questions and clear their doubts if any. The series of tests which includes
measuring, examination and assessment will help the surgeon to calculate
the amount of ablation required to correct the visual anomaly. The precise
Vision Correction procedure is chalked out on the basis of given the
unique condition and state of health of the patient. The patient is made
aware of the outcome of the test and the type of correction procedure to
be carried out to correct his or her visual anomalies.
The retina is scanned with some of the latest Computer aided scanners and
the precise mapping of the surface of each eye is affected. Drops will be
administered to dilate the pupils so that the back of the eyes are assessed.
Finally the eye care professional will explain to the patient the results of
an exhaustive range of tests. The patient is also made aware of the
realistic expectation of achieving a 20/20 or still better vision after the
Lasik process.
Dr. Kevin Niksarli is by himself an authority in Lasik surgery and his
extensive knowledge, vast experience and his specialization in Lasik
Surgery helps to achieve the best results at Manhattan Lasik Center