Mental Relaxation
Labor requires a tremendous amount of mental focus to work with and not against your body . The following strategies can help you keep your mind and emotions calm . Many of these techniques are most effective when practiced frequently during pregnancy , so that your mind and body are conditioned to relax during labor . To practice , lie on your side , supported by pillows so that your whole body can deeply relax . Ensure that your environment is comfortable and calming . Eliminate distractions such as the television or phone .
Audio Recordings
Playing soothing recordings of music , poems , stories and / or audio relaxation scripts during pregnancy and labor can help you remain focused and calm . There are many options available for purchase or you can create your own custom playlist before labor .
Imagery and Affirmations
In order to have the most positive and comfortable labor experience possible , it is important to let go of your fears and trust in your abilities . In a culture where birth is often portrayed negatively , this can be a challenge . During pregnancy , surround yourself with positive birth stories and inspiration . Visualize or write down your desires for your birth ( while being flexible in the event of unexpected events ). Repeat to yourself or have your partner say affirmations to encourage you .
Hypnotherapy involves training your subconscious mind to let go of fears and tension using specific cues or self-hypnosis . These cues may be in the form of a key word For you : or words or some other trigger that reminds • My body can do this . you to let go of your tension and remain calm . • My mind and heart are open . Books and audio recordings are available to
• I am strong . assist with learning techniques .
• I release and let go .
• Every contraction brings my baby closer .
Focal Point
Using a visual focal point , such as a photo , an object with special meaning attached to it , or even steady eye contact with a trusted companion , can serve as a valuable tool to help you stay focused through your contractions .
For your partner :
• You are taking such good care of our baby .
• You are strong , beautiful , and capable .
• You are safe and loved .
• Surrender to the work your body is doing .
• Just take one step at a time .
Additional ideas and positive affirmations :
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Finding Comfort 13