Financial History 139 (Fall 2021) | Page 6

Message to Members

MoAF Launches Adult Financial Education Series and Partners with MCAAD to Develop Finance-Themed Exhibits in Washington , DC

Message to Members

David J . Cowen | President and CEO
This summer and early fall have brought a number of new programs and opportunities to the Museum , as we continue to seek creative ways to expand our reach . In late July , we launched a new weekly financial education series for adults , in partnership the New York Public Library ’ s Thomas Yoseloff Business Center . The nine-session series , titled “ Investing A to Z ,” included primers on such topics as an introduction to stocks , investing in bonds , the importance of interest rates and understanding mutual funds . All programs were free and open to the public and were incredibly well-attended , with nearly 3,000 participants , demonstrating a critical societal need for basic financial information . Our former chairman and current trustee , Dick Sylla , and I taught two of the programs in this series , as did two of our Fordham colleagues , along with investment specialists from FINRA , the SEC and the OCC . Due to the overwhelming response to this program , we expect to make this an annual series .
In the meantime , our next educational program series will be our annual Museum Finance Academy ( MFA ) for high school juniors and seniors , which will run in November over Zoom . In the MFA , students learn the basics of personal finance , including how to aspire to financial independence , develop an appreciation for savings , make financial goals and learn to avoid scams . Upon successful completion of the course , all students receive a certificate , and the top four students of
the semester are awarded partial college scholarships .
Also this fall , we signed a consulting and licensing agreement with the Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream ( MCAAD ), an exciting project in Washington , DC with the mission of making the American Dream an attainable reality for millions of people around the world by expanding access to education , health and economic freedom , and by empowering an entrepreneurial mindset that takes full advantage of opportunity . Our Museum ’ s role in this project will be to assist as curatorial consultants for the center ’ s financial and economic content . We will also potentially license content and / or loan artifacts for display . MCAAD plans to open in July 2023 in several historic buildings , including the former headquarters of Riggs Bank , across the street from the US Treasury .
Our Fall 2021 events season launched on September 14 with Thomas Peterffy , chairman and founder of global electronic brokerage firm Interactive Brokers Group , in an interview with CNBC Senior Markets Correspondent Bob Pisani . Other programs this fall include a panel discussion on the cryptocurrencies market , as well as talks with former Chicago Mercantile Exchange ( CME ) Chairman Leo Melamed on his memoir , Man of the Futures ; Ted Seides on his extremely popular Capital Allocators podcast ; and Wall Street investment strategist Michael Mauboussin on his new book , Expectations Investing . A list of upcoming events can be found at www . moaf . org / events , and recordings of past events are available at www . moaf . org / videos . We are very grateful to all of our members and supporters for your continued support of the Museum and participation in our programs .
MoAF President David Cowen speaks on “ Origins of the Capital Markets ” in the “ Investing A to Z ” Series .
4 FINANCIAL HISTORY | Fall 2021 | www . MoAF . org