Finance Feast Investment Ideas Membership [PDF] Finance Feast Investment Ideas Membership | Page 3

manager they need something, the rent doesn't cover it. Oh, it gets worse. When the tenant moves out, the house is empty for two months while the property manager refurbishes AND markets the rental. The refurbishments are the equivalent of 2 to 3 months’ rent. AND I pay a months’ rent to the realtor who signs the tenant. When one of my tenants moves it’s not unlikely that it will cost me SIX months in rent. Since the average tenant stays two years, not including the cost of fixing things while they're my tenants, I can expect to lose six months’ rent each two years JUST from tenant turnover. And now, a er some deep stock losses in 2009 I became increasingly aware that I don't want to play the stock market anymore. I've reached the conclusion that I'm not a smart stock market investor and I don't trust myself to make good choices as I get older because I no longer enjoy spending my time studying corporations and the economy. Traveling full time can do that to a person. I'm sitting there looking at elephants and baboons from the veranda where I happened to be living at that moment and found that my heart just isn't in it anymore. I can't even get interested in biographies of corporate presidents nowadays.