The City of Laguna Niguel offers a highly compe��ve total compensa�on package . The annual salary range for the Finance Director is :
Educa�on : A Bachelor ’ s degree in Accoun�ng , Finance , Public or Business Administra�on or other relevant discipline is required . A CPA is highly desirable .
Experience : A minimum of 5 years of increasingly responsible professional governmental accoun�ng experience is required , including at least three years of supervisory responsibility .
If you are interested and qualified for this outstanding career opportunity , please submit a completed City applica�on , resume , cover le�er and the names and telephone numbers of three workrelated references to HR @ cityoflagunaniguel . org . A required City applica�on form can be found online at the City ’ s website at www . cityoflagunaniguel . org .
This recruitment is open un�l filled . The first review of applica�ons is January 27 , 2023 .
Applica�on materials will be reviewed and only those who appear to have the best qualifica�ons will be invited to con�nue in the selec�on process .
For ques�ons regarding this recruitment , please contact Human Resources Manager Dorna Farhadi at ( 949 ) 362‐4386 , or via email at dfarhadi @ cityoflagunaniguel . org .
$ 156,432 — $ 195,516 * City Council to consider a salary and benefits increase , effec�ve 7 / 1 / 2023
The City Manager has authority to hire the selected candidate anywhere within the salary range . This is an at‐will exempt posi�on in the City ’ s Management and Execu�ve Group .
Health Benefits : Choice of health plans available through CalPERS Health Program ; Liberty HMO / Delta Dental PPO w / Orthodon�a ; and , EyeMed Vision plans . The City provides the following contribu�ons toward health , dental and vision premiums :
Coverage |
Monthly Contribu�on |
Employee Only |
$ 790.00 |
Employee + 1 |
$ 1,555.00 |
Family |
$ 1,983.00 |
Medical Opt Out |
$ 550.00 |
CalPERS Re�rement : Classic Member : 2 % at 60 formula , contribute 7 % of base salary . New CalPERS ( PEPRA ) Member : 2 % at 62 formula , contribute 6.75 % of base salary . The City par�cipates in Medicare , but does not par�cipate in Social Security .
Addi�onal Benefits Include : 457 Deferred Compensa�on ( up to 3 % City match ); Op�onal 401 ( a ) Re�rement Plan ; Flexible Spending Account ; Employer paid : Re�rement Health Saving Account Contribu�on , Life Insurance , Disability Coverage ; Technology ($ 75 / month ) and Auto Allowance ($ 400 / month ); educa�onal reimbursement ; 13 paid holidays ; 3 floa�ng holidays ; vaca�on , sick leave and 56 hours of administra�ve leave . The City also offers the ability to telecommute one day per workweek .