Finalyst November 2013 Issue November 2013 | Page 17
concern the housing market bubble
and the excesses in financial market
which shook the US economy in
2007. Her views on monetary policies
she made a great career both in aca- are considered “dovish” she gives
demics and in policymaking. She had more importance towards boosting
taught at Harvard University and the employment and GDP growth as opAt 67, when her other fellow Ameri- London School of Economics as well posed to the primary “hawkish”
cans enjoys their post retirement life, as the University of California, Berke- agenda of squashing inflation. This
she is set to become the first Jewish ley’s Haas School of Business. She makes her even more fit to run the
woman to chair the US Federal Re- even had two stints in fed policy central bank as us Presidents have
serve. Janet Yellen , an economist making prior to becoming the Vice always favored the doves disguised
and professor who is currently the Chair, as a board member and as the as hawks who can tide the inflation
Vice Chairperson of the Fed Reserve President of the San Francisco Feder- while being sensitive to the economhas been nominated by President al Reserve Bank, and headed former ic well being of the citizens. Janet
Barack Obama to replace Bernanke President Bill Clinton’s Council of who has never lobbied for this post,
as the head of their central bank. Economic Advisers for two and a half whose nomination has been widely
Yellen was born on August 13, 1946 years. She has been a close ally of accepted because she her commendat Brooklyn, New York. Her father current Chairman Ben Bernanke as able knowledge and acumen in policy
was a family doctor and mother was he took the central bank further and making has some tough decisions to
a school teacher. She had a good ac- further into unfamiliar terrain to make as she takes over as the Fed
ademic record and graduated with a boost the U.S. economy, backing t ??????????Q????????????????????) ???????e????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????E?) ???U???????Q???????????????????????????????e???????????????????????????????????????t????)A??????e????U??????????????????????????????????%????????????????????????????????t???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????))????Q?????????9?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????UL???????+?q?????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????t()?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????????M?????????)????????????????????????????????????????????????????()????????????????????????????????????????M?????????????????????????????????????????????)????????????!?????????Q?????e?????????????????????????????????????????????????I????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????UL???????)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????()???????()??()?????()??????Q????????????????????????????????????????????(??((0