Finalyst November 2013 Issue November 2013 | Page 15

FINALYST NOVEMBER 2013 -diation. As a result the bond market India’s Debt Position found a floor. After a rally of a few years the market again declined to new low levels. Yields rose higher than ever, and private investors were again very active buyers. bonds. In 2012-13 India’s debt raised almost Short-term debt maturing within a 13% to 390 billion due to short-term year, possibility of US tapering in futrade credit and external commercial ture and the declining rupee are posborrowings. Also India’s external sible reasons for concern regarding debt-GDP ratio was 21.2 % last year corporate debt of India. Corporates In the next 30-40 years, huge devel- i.e. we can say it was within the man- have managed to rollover the foreign opments happened in bond market ageable limits. The share of commer- borrowings over the past year be- mainly due to four reasons. : (1) a cial borrowings in total external debt cause of the easy liquidity conditions dramatic drop in bond yields, nomi- stood at 31 per cent at the end of by US but any change in easy money nal and real; (2) the explosion in sov- March, followed by short-term debt policy next year will surely pose ereign debt burdens; (3) the rise of (24.8 per cent), NRI deposits (18.2 problems. emerging market debt, corporate, per cent) and multilateral debt (13.2 asset ba ?????????????????????????????????]????????????????????()%?????e????????????????????)???????????()?????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????()??????@??????????????????UM()??????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????????)????????????????????%??????????????????????????)???????????????????()%??%???????????????????????????()???????????????????????@?)???????????????????????????????????????????????????)????????)??????=Q ?????????????????????????M????-??????????????????)???????????????????????????????%?????e???????????????????????)??????????????????M???????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)?????????()?()????()????????????]????????????%?????e????????((0