Finalyst November 2013 Issue November 2013 | Page 10

FINALYST NOVEMBER 2013 Vikas Kumar is a MBA student of SIMS, Pune India’s Growth Path Solution for India’s problems: Understanding the fundamentals showing exceptionally well improve- equally dependent on all three primament, most of those developing ry, secondary and tertiary sectors, countries are sliding down in reces- which are interdependent; the other focus point is the sequence in which sion. these sectors are to be developed. The In case of our own country, its growth rate declined to below half of sectors should develop in a pipeline manner because it is the agricultural sector which gives base for industrialization and then both of these gives base for service sector to blossom. The reason for high growth rate of developing countries which was seen in the last decade were, scope for development and ?Y?][???\?\???? ?X??]\?YH???\][[??\?[?[??\?HX\??]??]?]?\???[???[?X???? ]??H?]H]?X?]?\????[???]?H?\?Z?H\?[???[ZX?[????\??\?[??H[??[[?\???[?X?\??[?YX\??Y?? K? H? ? K?? ??[?H????H??Z] ]??????X?B?? ?  ?[?H?\?\??\??XJK[[???[YH?[??H?ZY???]??Y?[?[?^?H?]?[?]?\H???\???Y??[???]???H??????[??X?Y\?XZ?\????] ?H?[??]\??[?????B???H]?[?[??X???ZY\??\???[??H\?H?[?[???Y\\??[??YK??XY?H[?\??\X?X???[?H?Y?[??\???X?[^?H?\??[??K?H?[YH\?\[?Y?]B?[?[?XH?]??]?Y?Y?X?[??]\??Q[???? ^H\?H?\??\?X???ZY\??[?XH[???[?XH???]H??]??H?[?\?H\?[????[???\??[???[?\?[??[???\???KHX???^K??[???]?\?\??[?[?]?[?Y???[??Y\?Z?HT?H[???]Z[?\?B??H?\?X??[?[Y[?[??]?\?Y?\?X?\?[^?][??]??\?X?[H[??\??X?H?X???]Z\??Y???]?H\?H???][??\?]X???H?[\????[?Y?X?[\?H?X???^H\?H?YH?^H\??X?[?\??]H???H?\?[?H[?\??B??L??