Final USITC Report on Chinese Quartz Imports June 2019 | Page 253

Seventeen (17) U.S. slab producers and fabricators, fifty-three (53) U.S. importers, and twenty-three (23) U.S. purchasers addressed the question regarding whether prices are comparable or differ for slabs compared to CFFFQSP. Seventeen (17) U.S. producers, forty-eight (48) U.S. importers, and twenty-two (22) U.S. purchasers (the vast majority for each group) indicated that they were either somewhat comparable or never. Sixteen (16) U.S. slab producers and fabricators, forty-nine (49) U.S. importers, and seventeen (17) U.S. purchasers addressed the question regarding weather whether prices are comparable or differ for fabs compared to CFFFQSP. Thirteen (13) U.S. producers, forty (40) U.S. importers, and fourteen (14) U.S. purchasers (the majority for each group) indicated that they were either somewhat comparable or never. At the Commission’s hearing, the petitioner indicated that price was “a very important factor in purchasing decisions.” 1 INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS The domestic like product proposed by petitioners includes intermediate products (not fabricated slabs of quartz surface products) as well as downstream products (fabricated quartz surface products). The following presents information on these products relating to the Commission’s five-factor semifinished product analysis. Uses Not fabricated slabs of quartz surface products are dedicated entirely to the production of fabricated quartz surface products. According to the petitioner, there is no use for slabs of 1 Hearing transcript, p. 36 (Drake). D-9