Final USITC Report on Chinese Quartz Imports June 2019 | Page 55
Importance of purchasing domestic product
Most purchasers (35 of 36) reported that most or all of their purchases did not require
purchasing U.S.‐produced quartz surface products. One purchaser reported that domestic
product was required by law (for less than 25 percent of its purchases), five reported it was
required by their customers (for less than 25 percent of their purchases), and five reported
other preferences for domestic product. Reasons cited for preferring domestic quartz surface
products included: preference for a certain color that is produced by a U.S. producer, exclusive
distributor agreement, shorter domestic lead times for fabricated product, and a supplier
relationship with Caesarstone (Israel) and transferring some if its purchases to the new
Caesarstone plant in Savannah, GA.
Comparisons of domestic products, subject imports, and nonsubject imports
Purchasers were asked a number of questions comparing quartz surface products
produced in the United States, China, and nonsubject countries. First, purchasers were asked
for a country‐by‐country comparison on the same 18 factors (table II‐9) for which they were
asked to rate the importance.
Most purchasers reported that U.S. and imported quartz surface products from China
were comparable on all factors except for price (for which most purchasers rated quartz surface
products from China lower‐priced than domestic product). Most purchasers reported that U.S.
and imported quartz surface products from nonsubject countries were comparable on all
factors. Similarly, most purchasers reported that imported quartz surface products from China
and nonsubject countries were comparable on all factors.