Final USITC Report on Chinese Quartz Imports June 2019 | Page 49
all sources declined by 31.1 percent from January 2015 to September 2018, and imports of
quartz surface products from all sources increased by 169.2 percent. 37
Nine of 17 responding U.S. producers, 38 of 71 importers, and 16 of 40 purchasers
indicated that there were other substitutes in addition to marble, granite, and quartzite.
Reported substitutes include cement, soapstone, glass composite, laminate, limestone,
porcelain, solid surface, stainless steel, ultra‐compact surfaces, and wood. Firms reported that
these products were substitutes for quartz surface products in kitchen and bath applications,
primarily countertops. The vast majority of responding firms reported that the prices of these
substitutes do not affect the price of quartz surface products. U.S. producer *** stated that
these products (laminate, solid surface, and porcelain surfaces) are not currently trendy and
therefore do not affect the price of quartz surface products. U.S. importer *** stated that
porcelain surfaces are a new emerging product in the market; it expects that pricing for
porcelain slabs to be substantially lower than quartz surface products and ultimately affect
prices of quartz.
The degree of substitution between domestic and imported quartz surface products
depends upon such factors as relative prices, quality (e.g., aesthetic designs, defect rates, etc.),
and conditions of sale (e.g., price discounts/rebates, lead times between order and delivery
dates, reliability of supply, product services, etc.). Based on available data, staff believes that
Dataweb monthly imports by landed duty‐paid value for HTS 6802.23.0000 and 6802.93 (granite),
and HTS 6810.99.0010 (quartz surface products).