Final USITC Report on Chinese Quartz Imports June 2019 | Page 42
Less than half of responding importers (30 of 77)) reported supply constraints since
January 2015, with most of these firms reporting supply constraints since the initiation of these
AD/CVD investigations. Importer *** stated that Cambria was out of stock for certain colors in
2016. Importer *** stated that demand for certain colors has outpaced supply. Importer ***
stated that it has run out of stock of quartz surface products during the last three years due to
increasing demand. Several importers stated that because of growing demand, there are supply
shortages or longer lead times for quartz surface products.
Most purchasers indicated that they have not experienced supply constraints with their
suppliers; however, 17 of 44 responding purchasers indicated some type of supply constraint.
Similarly to importers, some purchasers reported that demand for certain colors outpaced their
supply. U.S. fabricator and purchaser *** stated that Cambria stopped selling it product at the
end of the third quarter of 2017. Purchaser *** reported supply issues with Cambria and
Caesarstone noting long delivery lead times. It also stated that it is unable to use Cambria’s
product in certain projects because Cambria limits who can fabricate its product in certain
geographical regions. Similarly, *** stated that Cambria will not sell to it or any other firm in
the *** residential market. It also noted that it was placed on allocation by Caesarstone and LG,
but did not specify when the supply constraints occurred. Purchaser *** stated Caesarstone
failed to supply timely deliveries of quartz surface products used for multifamily common areas
on multiple occasions due to lack of capacity.
New suppliers
Approximately half of responding purchasers indicated that new suppliers entered the
U.S. market since January 1, 2015. Purchasers cited Aline International, Caesarstone (U.S.),