Final USITC Report on Chinese Quartz Imports June 2019 | Page 40
Subject imports from China
Based on available information, producers of quartz surface products from China have
the ability to respond to changes in demand with large changes in the quantity of shipments of
quartz surface products to the U.S. market. The main contributing factors to this degree of
responsiveness of supply are excess capacity and the demonstrated ability to rapidly increase
capacity, as well as the ability to shift shipments from alternate markets. Factors mitigating
responsiveness of supply include moderate inventory levels and limited ability to shift
production to or from alternate products.
Chinese producers’ capacity and production of quartz surface products has increased
since 2015, with production nearly doubling from 2015‐17. 26 Chinese producers’ capacity
utilization increased during 2015‐17 as a result of increased production outpacing capacity
increases. The moderately high level of capacity utilization suggests that Chinese producers
may have some ability to increase production of quartz surface products in response to an
increase in prices. Chinese producers reported that the majority of their U.S. shipments came
from inventories, and these inventories declined slightly from 2015‐17. Most of Chinese
producers’ shipments are to export markets with the United States being the primary export
market; the share of shipments to the United States increased during 2015‐17. Four of 38
Chinese producers reported that they were able to switch production from quartz surface
Chinese respondents contend that there has been a large increase in residential construction in
China and that growth is anticipated to continue in both residential and commercial market in China as
well as in other Asian markets. Chinese respondents’ prehearing brief, pp. 36‐37 and exhibit 12.