FINAL Uglobal Immigration Magazine 3.1 Joonmag (2) | Page 87

UGLOBAL . COM 87 eligible skilled occupation and a positive skills assessment in order to apply . ( Note : the nominated occupation can be unrelated to the business ). They need to attain the pass mark of 65 points which can include the 15 points awarded for state nomination . There is a pathway to permanent residency through the 191 visa after three years .
Acceptable Businesses : The business can be a franchise . It must be an existing business that is purchased ( no new businesses or start-ups ).
State Requirements : The applicant must be living and working in Queensland . The existing business must be trading for at least 6 months . Minimum investment into the business of 100,000 Australian dollars . Must employ one Australia resident .
1 . 188A Cost of State Nomination : 600 Australian dollars
Application Process : Your EOI must be submitted on Skill Select before you apply for ACT nomination . You must select the ACT as your preferred location to live in Australia . You can then apply to the ACT for state nomination .
Preferred Businesses : Canberra offers investors a probusiness culture that is actively supported by the ACT Government .
State Requirements : Must invest a minimum of 200,000 Australian dollars to purchase or establish a business in the ACT . You must plan to meet two of the following of the criteria while holding the 188 visa : invest 200,000 Australian dollars , invest 600,000 Australian dollars in personal and business assets into the ACT , employ two full-time Australian citizens , permanent residents or New Zealand citizens ( cannot be family members )
2 . 132A Cost of State Nomination : 1,100 Australian dollars
Application Process : Your EOI must be submitted on Skill Select before you apply for ACT nomination , selecting ACT as your preferred location to live in Australia . You can then apply to the ACT for state nomination which is processed in 30 days and valid for 3 months .
Preferred Businesses : Not specified .
State Requirements : Must invest a minimum of 2 million Australian dollars into an existing business in Canberra . You must create three full-time employment positions for Australian citizens , permanent residents or New Zealand citizens ( cannot be family members .)
1 . 188A
Cost of State Nomination : The Tasmanian Government does not currently charge a fee to apply for state nomination for a business visa .
Application Process : Apply by completing the Intention
州要求 : 必须在堪培拉的现有企业投资至少 200 万澳元 。 您必须为澳大利亚公民 、 永久居民或新西兰公民 ( 不能是 家庭成员 ) 创建三个全职就业岗位
塔斯马尼亚州 1 . 188A
州提名费用 : 塔斯马尼亚政府目前不收取申请州提名商务 签证的费用 。
申请流程 : 填写意向申请表 。 只有当他们有兴趣进一步考 虑申请者的申请 , 才会联系申请人 。 如果申请选中作进一 步考虑 , 需要提供一份简短的商业计划书 , 并提供证据证 明其投资和履行承诺的能力 , 还要参加在线面试 。
偏好业务 : 塔斯马尼亚移民方面正在寻求吸引高水平的商 业投资者的兴趣 , 希望他们可以为塔斯马尼亚的经济做出 重大贡献 。 我们正在寻找含有以下范围关键属性的业务提 议 : 1 . 区域 投 资 ( 一 般不包 括 霍 巴特 C B D 和 郊 区 ) 2 . 为塔斯马尼亚人创造和 / 或保留当地就业机会 3 . 对有利于塔斯马尼亚经济的关键部门的投资 , 可以包
括 :
• 水产养殖 、 农业和农业综合业务
• 矿产和挖矿
• 林业和木材