FINAL Uglobal Immigration Magazine 3.1 Joonmag (2) | Page 84

be in property , plant and equipment , intellectual property , inventory or purchased goodwill .
Other State Requirements : Migration to Sydney : Must transfer at least 3 million Australia dollars to NSW for business , settling and living expenses ( including 1.5 million invested in the business ). Must generate 5 full-time jobs .
Migration to Regional NSW : Must transfer at least 2 million Australian dollars to NSW for business , settling and living expenses ( including 1 million invested in the business ). Must generate 3 full-time jobs . These criteria will be assessed at the two year review post visa grant .
1 . 188A Cost of State Nomination : 500 Australian dollars
Application Process : The applicant lodges an Expression of Interest into the Skill Select system choosing Queensland as their preferred state , and then waits for an invitation to apply to Business and Skilled Migration Queensland . If successful , they have 14 days to lodge their application for state nomination .
Preferred Businesses : New focus on manufacturing , IT , innovation , engineering , science , renewable energy , regional investment , mining and aged care facilities .
Exclusions : Entry level small retail businesses such as convenience stores , cafes and restaurants are only acceptable if the proposed business is located in a regional area of Queensland . General importing businesses are not accepted unless the imported products are highly innovative , advanced in technology , or currently not available in Queensland . Property development businesses are not acceptable .
元的商业投资 , 并将 80 万澳元的净业务和个人资产转移 到昆士兰州 。
2 . 132A 州提名费 : 750 澳元
申请流程 : 申请人向技能选择系统提交一份意向书 , 选择 昆士兰州作为他们的首选州 , 然后等待邀请 , 之后即可申 请 昆士 兰商业 和 技 术 移 民 。 如 果 成 功 , 他 们 有 14 天 的 时 间 提交州提名申请 。
偏好业务 : 与 188A 所列相同 。
排除 : 一 般 进口不 可 接 受 , 如 18 8 A 所 述 。 其他的州要求 : 申请人必须在获得签证后两年内向昆士兰 州转移 150 万澳元的净个人和企业资产 ( 包括至少 100 万 澳元的企业投资和 50 万澳元的结算费用 ) 。 对于房地产开 发业务 , 申请人必须有相关背景 , 如建筑或工程经验 , 投资 必须高于入门水平 。 需要投资在一个大型项目上 。 请注意 , 您可以将您的投资与其他签证申请结合起来 , 以满足这一 标准 。
3 . 491 小型企业主
申请流程 : 这是一种积分测试签证 , 通过向技能选择系统 提交一份意向书来申请 。 此签证是技术移民项目的一部分 , 申请人需要具备符合资质的技工职业 , 通过积极的技能评 估 , 才能申请 。 ( 注 : 指定职业可以与业务无关 ) 。 他们需要 达到 65 分的及格分数 , 其中包括州提名的 15 分 。 三年后 , 通过 191 签证可以获得永久居留权 。