FINAL Uglobal Immigration Magazine 3.1 Joonmag (2) | Page 76

unit and an office with a surface area of up to 250 square meters , provided that the total market value amounts to 300,000 euros . The said purchase must be in relation to properties sold for the first time by a developing company , and , as such , resale units are not suitable under this scheme . In case the holder decides to sell the residence , another one of the same or higher price should be purchased in order to maintain the PR status . In case two years have elapsed without the holder visiting the country , the PR will automatically be cancelled and the individual would need to reapply .
Lastly , a bank deposit of 30,000 euros into a Cyprus bank account in required , which must be pledged for at least three years .
The Cyprus PR has been popular among applicants from different parts of the world and in particular from China , Russia , Vietnam , Ukraine , Middle East , South Africa , as well as individuals from different industries .
Besides retirees who relocate to Cyprus to enjoy the scenic landscape and the fantastic climate throughout the year , families with children choose to move to Cyprus to access a high level of education and affordable standard of living and at the same time enjoy a family-friendly and safe environment with a low crime rate . Some PR holders choose to set-up their own businesses on the island and travel to Cyprus frequently to monitor their business operations , while
气候外 , 有子女的家庭选择移居塞浦路斯还能够获得高水 平的教育和能够负担的生活水平 , 同时享受友好和安全的 家庭环境 , 这里的犯罪率低 。 一些 PR 持有者选择在岛上 建立自己的企业 , 定期前往塞浦路斯监督其业务的运作 , 而另一些人则选择购买第二套住房或度假屋 , 与朋友和家 人一 起 享 受 。 许 多人 选 择 迁 移 到 塞 浦 路 斯 , 成 为 该 国 的 纳 税居民 , 享受优惠的税收制度 。 PR 使得他们能在一年中规 定的最短停留期限中 ( 183 天或 60 天 ) 停留在塞浦路斯 , 以便根据具体情况成为纳税居民 , 同时他们可以享受非国 内纳税居民身份 , 对他们有利 。
居留权的申请时限 根据修订计划的规定 , 对正式提交的申请的审查需要两个 月才能完成 。 由于塞浦路斯 PR 在世界各地的公民中广受 欢迎 , 提交的申请数量的增加造成了审查的延误 。 因此 , 提交完整的申请之日起计算 , 时限延长至五个月 。
如何获得塞浦路斯国籍 塞浦路斯 PR 持有者迁居至塞浦路斯并在该国连续居住 5 年 的 , 可 申 请 塞 浦 路 斯 公 民 身 份 。