FINAL Uglobal Immigration Magazine 3.1 Joonmag (2) | Page 74


“ The Cyprus PR is granted on an expedited fast-track procedure to non-EU nationals who invest in Cyprus and meet certain

criteria .”

provided that the holder visits Cyprus once every two years , and provided that the holder maintains his / her residence in Cyprus .
The PR is suitable for the whole family : the main applicant and the spouse , minor children up to 18 , unmarried adult children up to 25 years of age ( provided that they are financially dependent on their parents and undertaking their studies ), the main applicant ’ s parents and parents-in-law . The PR remains valid even if the holders exceed the age of 25 and even if they do not remain unmarried , students or financially dependent on their parents .
The holders of the Cyprus PR can access the Cyprus General Health System . The children can receive free education at public schools , while a variety of private schools is available for PR holders from which to choose .
The main applicant ’ s adult children may choose to study in Cyprus at one of the many universities on the island , enjoying a high level of education . The courses are often taught in English in partnership with reputable overseas universities . The students receive well-recognized degrees , while paying lower tuition fees . During their studies in Cyprus they will receive a temporary residence permit as students . Following the completion of their studies in Cyprus , regardless of their age , the children will be able to submit their own PR application , provided that the main applicant presents only an additional annual income of 5000 euros for each such child .
PR 的标准 为了申请塞浦路斯永久居留权 , 申请人及其申请永久居留 权的每个成年家庭成员都应具有原籍国或居住地国的明 确的无犯罪记录 。 申请人不应对塞浦路斯公共秩序或公共 安全的任何威胁 。
塞浦路斯共和国规定了在塞浦路斯居住的权利 , 但不授予 持有人在塞浦路斯工作或受雇的权利 。 对在塞浦路斯就业 感兴趣的非欧盟公民一旦找到工作岗位 , 就应该申请工作 许可证 , 而不是 PR 。 尽管如此 , PR 的持有者可以在塞浦路 斯建立自己的企业 , 并从公司利润中获得红利 。
由于塞浦路斯共和国不授予在塞浦路斯工作的权利 , 主要 申请人应获得来自国外的充足和有保障的年收入 , 例如就 业工资 、 养老金 、 股息或租金 。 每年至少 30,000 欧元 , 每 增加一个受扶养人 ( 配偶和子女 ) 每年增加 5,000 欧元 , 每个增加一位受扶养父母和公婆 / 岳母每年增加 8,000 欧元 , 应通过证明文件表示 。 在计算年收入总额时 , 也可考 虑配偶的收入 。
主要申请人的父母和公婆 / 岳父母无需在塞浦路斯拥有自 己的住所 , 也无需额外的银行存款或增加房地产投资 , 即 可获得 PR 。
投资获取塞浦路斯 PR 主要申请人应投资至少 300,000 欧元 ( 加增值税 ) 的新房 地产单元 , 其中至少 200,000 欧元 ( 加增值税 ) 应提前支 付 , 这样申请人才能够申请 PR 。 该金额必须从国外转到塞 浦路斯 。 购买不动产可以申请人个人名义进行 , 也可以通过 法人实体进行 , 前提是申请人和 / 或配偶是该实体的唯一 股东 。 申请人可以购买最多两套住房 ( 公寓或房屋 ), 这些 住房可以是不同地段的 , 但要从同一家开发公司购买 , 也 可以购买一套住房和一个面积不超过 100 平方米的商店 ,