FINAL Uglobal Immigration Magazine 3.1 Joonmag (2) | Page 24

Although , it has been nearly seven years since the law came into effect , it was not until the past three years that investors at a worldwide level started taking advantage of the benefits that the program has to offers . During the first years , it was mainly Chinese and Russian nationals who invested and moved to the Mediterranean coast of Spain . Today , due to the economic and social turmoil in many countries , particularly in Latin America , the program is attracting a broad range of foreign nationals who are investing across Spain to become residents .
The residence by investment program allows a foreign national , who is not a citizen of a European Union country , to become a lawful resident by making a qualified and significant investment in Spain .
• Real estate investments of a minimum of 500,000 euros free and clear of any liens and encumbrances . The law allows the purchase of one or more properties across the Spanish territory as long as the investment minimum requirement is met . The property or properties can be used for any legal purposes .
• One-million-euro deposit in the investor ’ s bank account in Spain .
• Purchase of government bonds for 2 million euros or by investing at least 1 million euros in a company ’ s shares , investment or risk capital funds in Spain .
Today , the most common ways to obtain the residence by investment visa are through the purchase of real estate properties for a minimum of 500,000 euros or by making a 1 million euro deposit in the investor ’ s bank account in Spain .
The Spanish residence by investment program offers benefits that have gradually boosted the number of foreign investors during recent years . The main benefits can be summarized as follows :
• There is no physical presence requirement to maintain or renew the resident status . This particular benefit has been a decisive factor for many investors who are not ready to leave the day-to-day activities of their businesses overseas . Thus , they are allowed to continue living abroad and move to Spain when they are actually ready to do so .
• Investors keep full control of the investment . There are no third parties or companies involved during the entire immigration process . In the case of real estate investments , the property is owned directly by the investor . If the investor decides to deposit 1 million euros , the entire funds are maintained in the investor ’ s own personal bank account in Spain . The fact that

“ 投资移民项目允许非欧盟国 家的外国公民通过在西班牙 进行合规且重大的投资成为 合法居民 。 ”

• 以 200 万欧元购买政府债券 , 或在西班牙投资至少 100 万欧元的公司股票 、 投资物或风险资本基金 。
如今 , 投资移民签证的最常见获得方式是购买不动产 , 最 低价格为 500,000 欧元 , 投资者也可在西班牙的银行账 户中存入 100 万欧元 。
投资移民的主要好处有 : 近年来 , 西班牙投资移民项目的优势逐渐吸引了越来越多 的外国投资者 。 其主要好处如下 :