FINAL Uglobal Immigration Magazine 3.1 Joonmag (2) | Page 39

UGLOBAL . COM 39 following : at least 2 million euros in Italian government bond , funds to be kept for a period of at least two years ; at least 500,000 euros in equity instruments of a company based and operating in Italy or 250,000 euros in case of a start-up company , or at least 1 million euros in philanthropic funding supporting projects of public interest in the field of culture , education , immigration , scientific research , recovery of cultural assets and landscapes .
If you are using a broker , the first step is to make sure to agree to the brokerage fees and sign an engagement letter where all terms and conditions are clearly set forth . Once you have selected a property , you will be asked to sign a binding proposal which must be accepted by the seller . Simultaneously with the proposal , the buyer is generally asked to pay a deposit to the broker or directly to the seller . The deposit will be lost if the buyer decides to cancel the deal , but if the transaction is cancelled by the seller , the latter should refund double . The safest option for the buyer , is to request that deposit is paid into the escrow account of a notary . If the proposal is accepted by the seller , it is common practice to sign a preliminary agreement ( compromesso ) and for the buyer to pay a further deposit ( 10 % -20 % of the price ) and to set a date for the closing . Also , in this case , it is advisable that the deposit is paid in escrow to the notary . The notary will carry out a mandatory legal and administrative due diligence while the buyer should carry out a technical
房产的结构状况 , 以及确定是否需要进行大量修缮工作 。 款项在成交时支付 , 但买家可提前将资金汇给公证员 , 在 签署产权转让契据后 , 公证员会将款项转给卖家 。 这样一来 , 买卖双方都能得到保障 。
购买会得到保障吗 ? 从法律的角度来看 , 在意大利购买房产是非常安全的 , 因 为公证员 ( 意大利的法律规定 , 公证员为公职人员 ) 将介 入到购买程序中 。 公证员代表政府行事 , 不代表买家或卖 家任何一方 , 因此他们是完全中立的 。 意大利的公证员比 起其他国家的公证员履行更多相关的职责 。 公证员必须对 房产进行法律和行政尽职调查 , 从而确保卖家拥有该房产 的全部所有权 , 房产没有抵押 、 扣押或其它责任 , 并符合 建筑和安全法规 。 公证员的尽职调查不包括对可能存在的 结构缺陷进行检查 , 因此建议买家指定专门技术人员进行 检 查 。 作 为 额 外 的 保 障 , 如 果 您 购 买 的 是 在 建 房 产 , 则 建 筑商必须在最后成交前提供一份与支付金额相等的银行 或保险担保 。 这样的话 , 即便建筑商破产或无法完成项目 , 买家也可得到保障 。 在成交后的 10 年内 , 卖家对房产的重 大缺陷负有责任 。
在意大利哪里买房 意大利是欧洲第三大热门旅游胜地 。 许多外国买家购买房

“ Notary public must carry out a legal and administrative due diligence on the property to make sure that the seller has the full title on the property , the property is free from mortgages , liens or other burdens , and it is compliant with building and safety regulations .”

due diligence to confirm the structural conditions of the property and whether any substantial renovations or repairs are necessary . The price is to be paid at closing , but the seller can wire the funds in advance to the notary and upon execution of the transfer deed , the notary will transfer the price to the seller . In this way both parties are guaranteed .
The purchase of real estate , from a legal standpoint , is very safe in Italy , as a notary ( who is a public officer under Italian law ) will intervene in the acquisition procedure . Notaries act on behalf of the government and not on behalf of either