Many of the assets ( which include palaces , villas and hotels ) need to be redeveloped but several are in city centers and attractive locations and prices can be lower than market prices .
As a general rule , Italian law permits the purchase of real estate by foreigners . However , can be a few exceptions for foreigners coming from countries that do not grant reciprocity rights to Italian citizens , such as countries that do not allow Italian citizens to purchase a property .
While the purchase of a property does not automatically grant a visa , it is still possible to obtain a kind of ' retirement visa ' ( residenza elettiva ) by proving a passive income , which can include pensions or savings but not while a salary or compensation for work is usually not taken into account , of at least 31,000 euros per year . Consulates have full discretion to request a much higher income , and they usually do . Certainly , if the applicant has purchased a property of value there is a higher chance of obtaining the visa . However , the deciding factor shall be the ability to prove a steady wealth , with appropriate documents , such as bank statements and tax returns . Another option could be the investor ’ s visa . To qualify as an immigrant investor , a foreign national must invest the
一份委托书 , 其中明确规定所有的条款和条件 。 在您选定 房产后 , 将被要求签署一份具约束力的提案 , 该提案必须 经卖家同意 。 与此同时 , 买家通常会被要求向经纪人或直 接向卖家支付一笔保证金 。 若买家决定取消交易 , 则损失 保证金 , 但若卖家取消交易 , 则后者应双倍退还保证金 。 对 买家而言 , 最保险的做法是要求将保证金存入公证员的托 管账户中 。 若卖家同意提案 , 通常的做法是签署初步合同 ( compromesso ), 买家再支付一笔保证金 ( 价格的 10- 20 %) 并确定成交日期 。 此外 , 在这种情况下 , 建议将保证 金存入公证员的托管账户中 。 公证员将进行强制性的法律 和行政尽职调查 , 而买家应进行技术尽职调查 , 从而确定
“ 公证员必须对房产进行法律 和行政尽职调查 , 从而确保 卖家拥有该房产的全部所有 权 , 房产没有抵押 、 扣押或其 它责任 , 并符合建筑和安全法 规 。 ”