PUBLISHER | 出版人 Ali Jahangiri | 阿里 · 贾汉吉里
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | 主编 Marie Ekberg Padilla | 玛瑞 · 艾克博格 · 巴第拉
EDITORIAL TEAM | 编辑团队 Fang Tian | 田芳
Salman Siddiqui | 萨尔曼 · 西迪基
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS | 特约作者 Lisa De Leon Eleni Drakou
Richard Hoffmann Marko Issever
Vicky Katsarova Marco Mazzeschi
Sue Nickason Alexandre Rangel
Emilio Cornejo Vernaza Christopher Willis
Basar Yucel
DESIGN | 设计 Ever Villapana | 埃弗 · 维拉帕纳
ADVERTISING | 广告 Matthew Kurtz | 马修 · 克兹 Tate Worswick | 马修 · 克兹
ADMINISTRATION | 运营团队 Kamyar Amiri-Davani | 卡米尔 · 达瓦尼
Kristi Carlson | 克丽丝缇 · 卡尔森
If you would like to be considered for submitting an article , please contact marie @ uglobal . com
更多投稿机会 , 请电邮至 marie @ uglobal . com 咨询
Uglobal Immigration Magazine 《 Uglobal 移民》杂志
96 Discovery • Irvine , CA www . uglobal . com
( 800 ) 347-9390
Uglobal Immigration Magazine is a publication of Uglobal . com .
Uglobal Immigration Magazine is released several times per year by Outclick Media .
《 Uglobal 移民》杂志为 Uglobal . com 旗下出版物 , 由 Outclick Media 出版印刷 。
© Outclick Media All rights reserved
版权归 Outclick Media 所有 。
表彰行业顶尖的 25 名领导者 , 他们通过自己的表现和思路激励了大家
It ’ s been a year of unprecedented challenges and
uncertainty in the world as we have adjusted to the new reality of Covid-19 . But it has also been a year of strength and innovation as many professionals reinvented their business strategies to offer services online to keep the RCBI industry moving strongly forward .
It ’ s been a year we won ’ t forget . A year where we proudly want to celebrate the power of the global investment immigration community and recognize the leadership of the best in the industry . In this special edition , we are excited to announce the winners of the annual Uglobal Top 25 awards in four new categories : Global Migration Agency CEOs , Global Migration Attorneys , Investment Migration Developers and Global Immigration Companies . We hope this distinguished list of winners will serve as a guide as well as a recognition of the powerful people who drive this industry forward .
We are also proudly presenting you with a vast range of articles from global key players about new developments with Montenegro ’ s program , how to buy a property in Italy for immigration , what Cayman Islands have to offer HNWIs and how Germany ’ s new Skilled Labor Immigration Act aims to attract talent .
We hope you enjoy this latest edition of Uglobal Immigration Magazine , which collaborates with a network of leading experts and an authoritative board of advisors to bring you the best information .
We are excited to share our vision and lead the way to expand market transparency and education in the investment immigration field around the world .
年 , 全世界遇到了前所未有的挑战 , 充满了 不确定性 。 我们已经适应了 Covid-19 出现的 新现实 。 但这一年也是实力和创新的一年 , 许多专业人士重新设计了他们的商业战略 , 提供在线 服务 , 以保持 RCBI 行业的强劲发展 。
我们永远不会忘记这一年 。 在这一年里 , 我们能够骄 傲地庆祝全球投资移民行业的发展 , 表彰行业中最优 秀的领导者 。 在这份特别版中 , 我们很高兴能够宣布 Uglobal 年度顶尖的 25 名获奖者 , 它们分别处于以下 四个类目中 : 全球移民机构首席执行官 、 全球移民律 师 、 投资移民开发商和全球移民公司 。 我们希望这份 杰出获奖者名单能成为一个指南 , 同时也能对推动这 个行业向前发展的强大人士给予表彰 我们也自豪地为您带来来自全球主要移民业参与人士 的大量文章 , 内容涉及黑山项目的新发展 、 如何在意 大利购买房产进行移民 、 开曼群岛向高净值人士提供 哪些服务以及德国新的《技术劳工移民法》如何吸引 人才 。
我们希望您喜欢最新版本的 Uglobal 移民杂志 , 我们的 杂志与领先的专家团体和权威的顾问委员会合作 , 为 您带来最优质的信息 。
我们很高兴与大家共享愿景 , 引领全球投资移民领 域 , 扩大市场透明度 , 拓宽市场教育 。
随着 Covid-19 疫苗本月在全世界推广 , 我们期待着 2021 年能够变得更安全 。 我们邀请您加入我们 , 参加 2021 年举办的激动人心的世博会之旅 , 会议将于 2 月 ( 在非洲 ) 和 4 月 ( 在南美 ) 举行 。 加入我们的网络进 行学习吧 !
Sincerely ,
With the Covid-19 vaccine rolling out around the world this month , we are looking forward to a safer 2021 . We invite you to join us for an exciting 2021 World Expo Tour with conferences starting online in Africa in February and South America in April . Join us to network and learn !
Ali Jahangiri
Disclaimer : Uglobal Immigration Magazine events and conferences are open to the general public and may include people residing in the United States or foreign countries who may be interested in global immigration investment opportunities . Attendees , exhibitors and speakers at our events and conferences should consult with their own legal counsel regarding compliance with securities laws for any ongoing or planned investment activities . Uglobal Immigration Magazine provides no legal advice concerning compliance with securities laws by attendees , exhibitors and speakers at its conferences and events .