the required amounts are relatively low . This is due to the fact that the living costs are very affordable in Spain . However , the non-lucrative residence was not designed and is not recommended for individuals with limited funds to merely qualify for the first year of residence .
The residence process begins by requesting a non-lucrative visa at the Spanish consulate of the applicant ’ s country of current legal residence or nationality . The consulate can take up to 90 days to decide on the application . In general , the processing time is much shorter . Once approved , applicants get a 90-day residence visa stamped on their passports to be admitted as legal residents in Spain . The initial residence card is granted for one year once the applicants are physically present in the country . The non-lucrative residence can be extended for two-year periods as long as the financial requirement is still met .
The law about this visa is broad and ambiguous regarding the type of evidence that must be presented by the applicants to satisfy the financial requirement . However , most of the Spanish consulates around the world now expect the entire funds for the first year to be held at the applicant ’ s personal bank account at the time the application is filed . For the non-lucrative residence , the applicant ’ s bank account does not necessarily have to be at a Spanish bank . Thus , clear evidence of financial means for the entire first year is crucial to obtain the initial non-lucrative residence . In general , the
“ 外国国民经常认为 , 非投资 移民只适用于门路多的个人 , 其实实际需要它的人并不多 。 这是因为西班牙的生活成本并 不高 。 ”
间 来 决 定申请 。 一 般 来 说 , 处 理 时间 实 际 要 短 得 多 。 一旦 获 得批准 , 申请者就可以在护照上盖章获得 90 天的居留签证 , 从而获准成为西班牙的合法居民 。 首次居留证的有效期为 一年 , 只要申请人实际居住在该国即可 。 只要经济没有问题 , 这个非投资居留许可可以延长两年 。
这个签证相关的法律对申请人必须提交的经济证明材料 类 型 比 较 宽 松 。 不 过 , 目 前 , 世 界 各 地 的 大 多 数 西 班 牙 领 事 馆都希望第一年的全部资金存放在申请人提交申请时的个 人银行账户上 。 对于非投资居留许可 , 申请人的银行账户 不一 定 要 在 西 班 牙 银 行 。 因 此 , 第 一 年 的 财 务状 况 的 清 晰