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Authority to focus on reducing Scope 1 and 3 emissions through energy efficiency and electrification , while parallel efforts by others are focused on actions that will reduce our Scope 2 emissions .
One can consider our GHG Inventory as a performance tracking tool for the progress we make ( or do not make ) in the implementation of our Sustainability Plan . For example , as we meet our goals of reducing diesel fuel use and operating our facilities more efficiently , we hope to generate material reductions in our GHG emissions over time as well . Converting from diesel to electric transportation systems transfers higher-emitting Scope 1 activities ( e . g ., combusting diesel on-site ) to lower-emitting Scope 2 activities ( i . e ., purchased electricity ). As these Scope 2-related activities themselves gradually become less GHG intensive , the net benefit to the Authority and our GHG emissions profile is positive . With our first GHG inventory now complete , we intend to regularly update it to measure our progress and to make summary information available to the public .
52 See Dominion Energy , “ 4Q 2019 Earnings Conference Call Slide Presentation .” Accessed June 10 , 2020 .
https :// s2 . q4cdn . com / 510812146 / files / doc _ financials / 2019 / q4 / 2020-02-11-DE-IR-Q4-2019-earnings-call-slidesvTC-II . pdf . 53 See Virginia General Assembly , “ 2020 Session : HB 1526 Electric utility regulation ; environmental goals .”
Accessed June 10 , 2020 . https :// lis . virginia . gov / cgi-bin / legp604 . exe ? 201 + sum + HB1526 .