Asia and the Pacific
18 events
4 countries
The band named DRAW released the video clip of their
song « Wave Rider Blues »
which contains footages
from the nuclear weapon
test called Operation Tumbler-Snapper which was
launched by the U.S. in the
1950s. It is the musician's
response to « the threat of
nuclear war » and a call to
«work together to stop
nuclear proliferation and protect life on this planet from annihilation ». The
video clip is linked to the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). The band
also launched their « Disarmament Tour ».
A joint statement was issued by
parliamentarians and civil society in South Korea entitled
«Welfare not Warfare». Fifteen
MPs and 32 NGOs endorsed
this statement and had a joint
press conference in front of the
Parliament building. It was significant given that this year
was the 70th anniversary of the
partition of the Korean peninsula and the anniversary of the Sewol Ferry tragedy. The press conference suggested the way toward the safety of the citizens,
not national security and toward peace and cooperation not military expansion.
GDAMS 2015 Report