Portland, OR
Friends in Portland had their annual Redirection
program « re-route » thousands of dollars to five
Bridge Fund, which helps returning veterans.
Austin, TX
CODEPINK Austin reprised their Human Penny Poll in
the entertainment district, dressing in costumes representing five of the government spending categories and
performing a street theatre scene in which the categories clamored for more funding. Participants engaged in
spirited conversation about the current budgetary setup
and how or why it is so contrary to public wishes.
Dallas, TX
Peace demonstrated after dark using a
light display which read «Pentagon Waste
». They were accosted by a
police officer who bullied them to leave
and attempted to physically take the light
displays until a postal inspector calmly explained that they were legally allowed to
demonstrate in front of the post office.
Washington, DC
Youth working with the American Friends Service Committee made 14 different
visits on Capitol Hill to deliver the SIPRI report. They wore shirts color-coded to represent the current discretionary budget distribution, with ~60% in red shirts denoting military spending. With their backs to passersby, the shirts spelled out MILITAchanged to reveal things that they think do equal security: peace, equality, unity,...
GDAMS 2015 Report
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