FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 53
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
In terms of the comparison by establishment size, the pay gap for Managers between the Small and
Large establishments was at 1.7 times. The median salary for lower skill job categories was similar for
all other job categories. Notably, the median basic salary for the Professionals and Technicians &
Associate Professionals from Medium and Large establishments was similar.
Figure 2.8 Median Monthly Basic Salary for Full-Time Employees by MASCO 1-Digit Level
and Establishment Size
The occupational structure could influence the salaries level of various sectors. Sectors where the share
of Managers and Professionals in salary earnings is big typically have higher median monthly basic
salary than other sectors. Managers from the Information & Communication and Financial &
insurance/Takaful sectors stayed at the top of salary scale (refer to Figure 2.9).