FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 42
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
In terms of the breakdown of foreigner category, majority of them are PLKS workers, which constitutes
to 83% of the total Foreign employees, followed by Expatriates and Permanent Resident at 14% and
3% respectively. Further breakdown into establishments reveals that Small establishments appear to
employ more expatriates compared to Medium and Large establishments.
Figure 1.31 Distribution of Foreign employees by Foreigner Category, by Establishment Size
Majority of the Foreign employees are employed within the Manufacturing sector. Majority of the
Foreign employees (>75% representation) within the Electricity, Gas, Steam & Air Conditioning,
Information & Communication, Financial & Insurance/Takaful, Education, and Professional, Scientific
& Technical sectors are expatriates. On the other hand, there is a higher presence of Permanent Resident
in Transportation & Storage and Human Health & Social Work sectors.