FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 40
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
When looking at the distribution of employees by nationality, it is observed that Malaysian employees
mostly worked in higher skill job categories. On the other hand, majority of the Foreign employees
(80%) were working as Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers and/or Elementary Occupations
categories. A deeper understanding of the MASCO 2-digit job categories reveals that most of the
Foreign employees worked as Stationary Plant & Machine Operators (34.4%), followed by Refuse
Workers & Other Elementary Workers (16.5%) and Mining, Construction, Manufacturing & Transport
Labourers (11.2%).
Figure 1.28 Distribution of Employees by MASCO 1-Digit Level & Nationality
In terms of representation of employees by nationality, almost all high-skilled and semi-skilled job
categories were dominated (>90% representation) by Malaysian employees while Foreign employees
were mostly employed as Skilled Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock & Fishery Workers (52%),
Elementary Occupations (40%) and Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers (35%) job categories.
This suggests a heavy reliance on Foreign employees in the lower skilled job categories.