FINAL REPORT Final Report - NER 2018 6Mar2018 (For Publication) | Page 33
National Employment Returns (NER) 2018
Analysis by Establishment Size
In terms of establishment size (refer to Figure 1.17), 41.0% of the employees in NER 2018 were
employed by Small establishments, while 13.6% and 45.4% of the employees were employed by
Medium and Large establishments respectively.
Figure 1.17 Distribution of Employees by Establishment Size
Analysis by Sector
Having set the overall employment landscape, the following (Figure 1.18) will discuss about
employment by sector. Services sector represented the largest sector with the highest number of
employees (55.3%), followed by Manufacturing sector at 25.6%, Construction sector at 12.9%,
Agriculture sector at 5.6% and Mining & Quarrying sector at 0.6%.
Figure 1.18 Distribution of Employees by Main Sectors
Across 18 MSIC sectors, Manufacturing sector had the highest number of employees at 26%, followed
by both Wholesale & Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles & Motorcycles at 21%. Similar to the
establishment distribution, Electricity, Gas, Stream & Air Conditioning Supply sector employed the
least number of employees.