Final proposal Final Proposal | Page 55

Store entrance

Around the concession there will lots of sign posts like “Tills”, “changing rooms” and “Harry's favourite pieces” to help guide the customers round the store. This will make a more relaxed environment as they will know where to go and what’s what.

There will members of staff in the concession to help customers and keep the clothes looking very neat.

The tills are located at the back of the store to encourage the customers to shop round all the clothing before reaching there.

The cheapest items are nearest the till to encourage the shoppers to spend a little bit extra.

Around the concession, there will be imagery of Harry and other models in the Paul Smith X Harry Styles' clothing. There will be a TV in the concession. Throughout the day we will have lots of different videos being played. For example Paul and Harry talking about the collaboration, videos of them designing the clothes. By playing these videos it allows the customer to have a bigger insight of the collaboration. and creates a more relaxed and fun environment.