Final Project : Elle Magazine Apr. 2014 | Page 11

‘I am stepping into glorious Technicolor. I am playing 2014 to win’ It’s a challenge I relish. I love a challenge. When I was 21, I moved to Japan straight out of university. Growing up in the North East, brought up by a hard-work- ing mum after my dad died young, mak- ing a life for myself – alone – in Asia should have been daunting. I didn’t know anyone there. I didn’t know the language. I didn’t, in retrospect, know anything about the world. I just wanted to go. I’d always loved learning languages, but people around me were sceptical. I re- member daydreaming out loud as a teen- ager about moving to Paris, and my then- stepfather laughing. It didn’t crush the old colourful me; it made me defiant. Japan trumped France and, when I learned that I could work teaching English, and be paid to do the travelling I desperately wanted but couldn’t afford, I jumped at it. I wasn’t a colour-phobe in those days. Quite the opposite. There’s a picture of me in a multicoloured skirt and a turquoise jumper, kawaii – or ‘cute’,,as my students might have told me – as youplease. What is it about the intervening years that’ss changed things? Like most women my age, I now have a career I work hard at and am desperately proud of. But I am in equal part terrified that someone might one day say, ‘Oh, sorry, we made a mis- take.’ So I keep my head down and get on. That’s my stoic, working-class upbringing foryou:You don’t brag; you don’t make a fuss; you don’t take; you wait till you’re of- fered. You are, above all things, grateful. I’ve always felt it served me well – I got this far, didn’t I? But at what cost? Japan led me to a husband, then London, and said career was just getting going when it all started to fall apart, and I had a choice to make: my job or my marriage. I chose my marriage. It was the wrong decision. Coming back to London, just weeks later, was humiliating. I felt like I’d burned my bridges; that I’d had my shot and blown it. I was too embarrassed to look up old contacts; to start networki