Table of Content
Blue+Red = Pollock
Blue Shapeshifter
No One Escapes the Burning Waves
Survival of the Fittest
Crazy is Real
Sculpting Beauty
The Infortunate Case of a Boy Named Jack
wonder woman
The Appetite of Change
The Boxed Lady
This prose was written during my thanksgiving break. I went to the beach with the goal of writing something from where I was. So I sat at my apartment and stared out the window to the one thing that hovered over the horizon, the sea. I am specially proud of the comparisons and metaphors I use. For example, “The wind’s lullaby on the dry coast. The bird’s chants above the palm trees tops. An ecosystem of music. The suspension of notes only to be interrupted by the cycling creation of a new roaring creature with the desire of reaching shore.” I am specially proud of this last line. I think it is a great wrap up for the oceans swell. When I was writing this, I was mainly focusing on doing simply a description with no story added to it and I did it. This piece used to be one of my worst. It was very simple and lame. I wasn't going to use it for a portfolio, until I realised I needed another piece. So, I practically rewrote everything I had first drafted to create this piece. From that second draft, I just edited simple mistakes and changed some phrases to improve the description of the wave as a harras of horses. My weakness in this piece is that it is not revised as much as I would have wanted it to be. I feel that my transition of describing the wave as a roaring beast to a harras of white horses is too sudden. I am missing a more mellow transition. However, I included this piece in my final portfolio because I feel like it is one of my best pieces as a whole. I love every part of it and therefore deserves a place in Sealing It With a Bow.