Untitled Description By Zacharie
A dull throb seeps its way from my temple into my skull, worming and digging deep down into a
Where no painkillers can reach .I shift, and a sharp pain, like a thin, deep wound moved and
reawakened ,
Sings in my lower right abdomen, nearly on my hip.
But there is no blood or wound marring my skin.
I stand, slowly, black dots scattering about my vision as the blood rushes from my head. My sight
With a mix of burning water and comforting tears.
A familiar feeling blooms in my chest: unsure panic, no reason for the sudden jolt of fear.
Shaking, I shut the water off and pull back the shower curtain, slick as a wet seals skin, taking the
towel nearest to me and pressing my face into the dark grey fabric, loose threads scratching the
surface of my skin.
And in that singular moment, there is absolute peace.