Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update - September 2007 | Page 5

The Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update is an update to the existing City of Arlington Historic Resources Survey , completed in April 1987 . The survey effort also includes the identification , documentation , and assessment of pre-1960 buildings , structures , neighborhoods and objects in Arlington that possess architectural , historical , and cultural value . Undertaken under the auspices of the City of Arlington Community Services Department and the Arlington Landmark Preservation Commission , the project supports the City ’ s efforts to catalogue , document , and evaluate the city ’ s historical and architectural heritage . The project is reflective of the City ’ s commitment to historic preservation , a concern heightened by rapid growth and development in Arlington and surrounding communities . The survey is a preservation planning tool , which enables the City to know where significant historic properties exist , and helps local residents understand the rich heritage and architecture of their city . The Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update will hopefully stimulate greater interest and pride in the neighborhood ’ s residents and property owners , encouraging them to rehabilitate , restore , and preserve their buildings and possibly help them seek a variety of preservation-related designations , such as National Register listing , state markers , and local landmark status .
The study area for the project , as stated in the Scope of Work , was defined as the current City of Arlington boundaries , and field investigations were undertaken in 2006-07 . The fieldwork for Phase I of the survey update included a documentation and reevaluation of all individual properties that were previously identified in the City of Arlington Historic Resources Survey of 1987 . This fieldwork also comprehensively surveyed all properties , regardless of date of construction , within the boundaries of the two existing historic districts that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places ( NRHP ). Phase II of the survey update was a study of all pre- 1945 properties within the current City of Arlington boundaries that were not identified by the 1987 Historic Resources Survey . The final phase of the project was a reconnaissance-level documentation of all subdivisions / additions platted between 1945 and 1960 within the city limits . A research team also conducted intense archival investigations of these subdivisions and prepared a historical overview that facilitated the assessment of the surveyed postwar subdivisions and documented development patterns during the postwar period . As a result of its field investigations , the survey team identified a total of 691 individual resources and 199 neighborhoods . A total of 190 of the individual properties and 26 of the identified subdivisions have been recommended as HIGH priorities . This designation means that they appear to be the most significant historic properties in the city and are primary candidates for preservation .
Survey work products are essentially comprised of four types of documentation including the survey report , photographs , MS Access database , and GIS data / maps . The survey report describes project goals , the work methodology , and how the properties were evaluated . It also includes a historical overview and comprehensive inventories of properties and neighborhoods identified during the survey and their cultural / architectural / historical value assessment ( HIGH , MEDIUM , and LOW ).
Project management activities between the survey team and City staff , including coordination and monthly billing , were preformed by prime contractor Komatsu Architecture of Fort Worth , Texas . In addition , Komatsu staff participated in various components of the program development and