Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update - September 2007 | Page 29

Property types are tangible links to the principal themes and topics discussed in the historic overview and group documented properties into broad categories . The field survey identified a myriad of resource types , styles , and forms that are indicative of the city ’ s rich and colorful history . A classification system was devised to categorize the variety of resources into more meaningful and manageable groupings , thereby facilitating their evaluation and assessment . This system was based on material presented by the National Park Service Bulletin 16 and classified all surveyed resources into broad categories or “ Property Types .” Definition of property types relied principally on each surveyed resource ’ s original or intended use as the method of classification . Property type categories included in the current survey effort include : DOMESTIC ; COMMERCE / TRADE ; EDUCATION ; AGRICULTURAL / SUBSISTENCE ; FUNERARY ; GOVERNMENT ; RELIGION ; TRANSPORTATION / INFRASTRUCTURE ; and HEALTH CARE . Each property type was further divided into several subtypes , based on overall form / plan and date of construction .
Single-family residential buildings represent the most common building type in the study area . Resources in this category date from the late nineteenth century to the post-World War II period and often have associated outbuildings . Most resources in this category are modestly sized and detailed buildings that reflect popular residential designs and trends disseminated through pattern books , magazines , or other publications . A smaller number of these resources exhibit characteristics of regional folk ( vernacular ) traditions . Construction is typically wood frame with pier-and-beam foundations . Common exterior materials are wood siding , brick veneer , stucco , permastone , or synthetic siding . Single-family residential building types documented during the current field survey include Vernacular Linear Plan ( L-Plan , Two-Room , Center Passage ); Modified L-Plan ; One-Story Square ; Bungalow ; Foursquare ; Minimal Traditional ; Ranch ; Modern residences ; and Outbuildings .
Vernacular Linear Plans ( L-Plan , Two-Room , Center Passage ) A small number of houses in the study area fall within this category . These building forms are characterized by a one-room-deep , linear , rectangular-plan , central mass and side-gabled roof . Center passage houses generally have a centered entry door that opens onto a central hallway , while two-room houses have an asymmetrically placed entry that opens directly into a room . When additional room was necessary , often times a shed-roof addition was appended to the rear facade . The L-plan is a variation of this form that is derived by adding an offset front-facing gable to the basic side-gabled , center passage house type . A shed-roof porch often extends across one or both sides of the ell . The primary door is typically located at the center of the side gable , with entry into a central hall . Within Arlington , most center-passage houses appear to have been constructed between 1890 and 1910 and typically have substantial alterations to their original exterior materials , windows , and / or porches .